I know I was a bit absent this weekend, but I wasn't able to do my shelter work this week (and may not for a while) so there was no weekly adoptable post to share. I also spent Saturday celebrating my hubby's birthday which is Tuesday, so I decided to take the weekend off.
That said, I'm a little behind on this whole blog thing. Instead of my usual planning ahead, I have been rushing through in the past half hour or so to edit these weekly photos.
Anyway, let's get right to it, huh?
2-8-14: This was a Saturday workday, cranking out blog posts and working on business cards, among other things. A photo of my keyboard seemed fitting, since I spent so much time with it.
2-9-14: I followed that up with a Sunday of rest, and a lot of playing with my goofy doberman. He's got crazy eyes!
2-10-14: Let me just warn you right now that this week was all about the food photography. Judging by the pictures I must have spent this week just eating. Sounds like the perfect week!
2-11-14: As I pulled into the driveway from work, I did this. Now I get to replace this $300 tire, because I was too lazy to move a jack that was in my way. I'm a smart cookie! Needless to say, I was a bit angry for the rest of the evening.
2-12-14: Thank goodness I was able to turn that flat-tire attitude around with a day with Sam. She took me to the Asian market where I tried this Basil Seed Drink. It looks creepy as hell, but it is seriously delicious.
2-13-14: Speaking of weird foods, what better choice is there than celery root? This stuff looks evil, but it's tasty, I promise.
2-14-14: Ah Valentines day, the day of every year where my lovely hubby buys a little potted rose, and every year I kill it. Plants and I don't get along. But this year he got it right with some already dead roses (and very pretty ones at that!) along with chocolates just in time to satiate an extreme chocolate craving, shopping, and some lunch at Bonefish Grill. Yup, he definitely got it right!
So there you have it, another week of photos. I must say, this has been going much better than I originally thought when I planned this 365 project. I thought I'd really struggle, and while I do have some rough days where I have a hard time caring, I've for the most part been really enjoying this project (and all this oh-so-photographable food!)