Meg Glamour | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Portrait Photographer
It's been a few years, but I finally got Meg in front of my camera again. When I was just starting out as a photographer I shot a photo of her with the sunlight through her hair (above) and it's still one of my favorite shots. I've tried to re-create it several times, but nobody does it like Meg does, I guess.
I've been wanting to get Meg into my studio for glamour portraits for a couple of reasons. For one thing, she is not a girly girl. I see her in her police uniform all the time, but never in a dress. In fact, you should have seen her face when I showed her the outfits I had in mind for her. "You want me to wear a dress?!" And makeup? Forgettaboutit. So it was fun to transform her from a southern girl in her flannel (nevermind that she's not actually from the south), to all dressed up with curls and pearls.
The other reason I've been wanting to photograph Meg is because she just does so well in front of the camera! She think she's awkward, but there's something model-esque about it. Maybe it's because she's built like a model: tall and lean.
I had a really great time working with this gorgeous girl! Check out the video below for a look behind the scenes at how it all went down!
To book your own portrait session, please contact me today!