
Riley 18 Months | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Portrait Photographer

My little man is 18 months old (well, he was a month ago.  I'm a little slow to share).  I can't believe how fast it's all gone by.

As of right now, Riley is obsessed with wearing other people's shoes, so this photo session seemed like the perfect way to remember this stage in his life.  He's got some big boots to fill!

An Old Photograph | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Family Photographer

An Old Photograph | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Family Photographer

Riley has been running me ragged today.  He decided yesterday that he is a one nap kind of baby.  He didn't seem to factor in the fact that one nap is clearly not enough sleep for a growing boy, and that a couple hours after a missed nap he'd be very tired and grumpy.  But not tired enough to sleep of course.