Friday Photo Dump Week #2 | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Lifestyle Photographer
My first full week of my photo a day project is complete and I'm here to share the results. Want to see?
January 4th, 2014: A close up shot of the Christmas decorations that I just can't bring myself to take down (more out of laziness than the fact that they are pretty, although they are.)
January 5th, 2014: This morning started out with some canadian bacon that my dad cured and my husband cooked (delicious!)
January 6th, 2014: After having company at my house for almost a month during the holidays, I needed a few days of me time. So after work I got lost in a good book. In case you are wondering, the book is Enduring Love by Ian McEwan and it is quite good.
January 7th, 2014: Just another lazy day with my pets and my books.
January 8th, 2014: It's been surprisingly cold for Georgia this week, and the weather inspired me to start a knitting project. I picked this gorgeous yarn, but the problem is that the yarn is very thin. I might be done with this scarf by summer, just when I don't need it anymore.
January 9th, 2014: With the house to myself this day, I consulted my Julia Child cookbook and made a huge mess of the kitchen, leaving not much time for anything else. I did happen to snap this shot of Blitz being cute though. He does it every once in a while.
January 10th, 2014: I wanted to play around with Bokeh today and using it as the subject of a photo, rather than a background. Technically that just means I took a blurry picture, but hey I think it looks cool. I took this using the Christmas lights since I still haven't taken down our tree. I should probably get on that before it dies, huh?
This week was a pretty slow one, but it is exactly what I needed. I spent some time in solitude, just relaxing and working on my own projects. It may have left me with photos of food, books, and cats, but that's not a life that I'll complain about. I could pull of crazy cat lady/librarian any day.