High Speed Glamour Retouch | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Glamour Portrait Photographer
How about a little look behind the scenes today?
As you all know, I've been working on something a bit out of my norm lately- glamour photography. I'm intrigued by the makeup, the posing, the retouching- all the things that go on behind the scenes to get the shot.
So many of us women are filled with dread when we look at pictures of ourselves. I'm sure you know what I mean. That little notification pops up on facebook that says someone tagged you in a photo and you have to prepare yourself for what you are about to see. And then it comes up and everything you are self conscious about hits you like a ton of bricks. I hear it all the time- "I don't like my nose," or "my arms look fat in that photo." Heck, I often have those same thoughts when I see photos of myself.