Spring Cleaning
It's the time of year. People are climbing into their attics to sift through boxes of unwanted junk, dusting off the bookshelves that haven't been dusted since last spring, and sorting through the junk drawers. Something about the snow melting (metaphorically of course- I live in Georgia after all) feels like a fresh start, maybe even more so than New Years does. I've certainly been doing my fair share of cleaning. It seems like the second little man goes down for a nap I'm bolting around the house trying to get something done. I've cleaned the carpets, worked in the lawn, and cleaned places in my house that should have been cleaned a long time ago. Yikes.
But there's a place in my life that is even more in need of a spring cleaning than the rest of my house- my computer. Last year at this time I was pregnant and lazy (seriously, how did I sleep that much?!) and so, even though I was taking a lot of pictures, they all ended up in an un-edited pile on my desktop. I don't even want to know how many raw files have piled up.
So my big spring cleaning project is to go through and edit all those raw files. I've got a street photography set, some personal family photos, photos from my baby shower, some boudoir photos, and a set of my #1 model at the beach. This could take a while.
So to kick things off, I'm going to share some photos I took last year at this time during a day walking around Savannah.
I went back to wander downtown with my sister in law, our babies, and our dogs the other day for the first time in a long while. And even though it's a year later, these photos perfectly depict what's happening in Savannah right now- musicians playing in the park, people relaxing and working in the sunshine, and the gorgeous green grass of spring. My little family really lucked out to get stationed in such a beautiful vibrant place.