Ok, so I know I'm a day late. I had to work today (I normally have weekends off) and it completely threw my week off. I crawled into bed last night and my last thought was, 'oh crap, it's Friday isn't it? I didn't post my photos!'
And then I went to sleep, because I had to be up at 330 this morning, and therefore it didn't seem that important. So here I am posting last week's photos a day late.
Enough excuses.
This week's theme was cold, and despite the fact that my fingers were numb for the majority of the time I spent at work, I didn't really have a lot of cold to take pictures of. See in Georgia, even though it may be freezing outside, it'll still probably look like swimsuit weather (and then the next day it probably will be swimsuit weather, as a matter of fact). So let's just say that I struggled with this week a bit.
But even if they weren't what I was envisioning, I still think I came up with some pretty interesting photos. Let's see what you think!

1-25-14: After meeting with some potential clients about a Wedding, I spent my morning wandering around Savannah (there's a post to come with photos of that whole adventure). Every time I am downtown I try to take a photo of the fountain, and I never actually like the photos I take. But this time there were icicles on the statues and the light was hitting them just right and-- well you can see it for yourself.

1-25-14: What better way to warm up on a cold day than... ice cream? What can I say, I just love the stuff.

1-27-14: The nice thing about this winter being a little cold is that I got to bust out all my old winter clothes. It's even been scarf weather lately!

1-28-14: I'll confess, I was a bit uninspired this day with the whole cold thing.

1-29-14: Ok so Wednesday was kind of a big deal. This was the day of the big southern storm that everybody was all freaked out about. It even had a name- Winter Storm Leon. Sounds pretty intense, right? The forecast predicted in snow in Savannah which hasn't happened in basically forever and I was very excited. Well what I woke up to that morning was rain. We got some sleet and some serious ice build up, and half of my coworkers called in to work due to ice and closed bridges, but I didn't get any snow. It was very disappointing. I did get these wicked icicles hanging off the back of my trashcan though. Maybe that counts for something?

1-30-14: After that storm craziness, I just needed a cold beer. Or cider. Close enough.

1-40-14: Which leads me to Friday: more rain. This started as a picture of water droplets on my car but I started messing around with it and it became something abstract, yet pretty cool in my opinion.
So there you have it: my week of cold photos.
I still don't have a theme for this week, so if you have any last minute suggestions please leave a comment below. Otherwise, I may just make it a freebie week. We'll see.