Throwback Thursday: Breastfeeding Shoot | MIkaela Joy: Savannah Portrait Photographer

This is a throwback to one of my favorite sessions from last year.  I teamed up with two other photographers who all happened to be nursing our babies at the same time, and exchanged breastfeeding photos.  This is a shot that I never edited, but I can't for the life of me figure out why.  Just look at that sweet little nursling and her big blue eyes!

This is from the session that produced this shot, quite possibly my favorite from 2015

DIY Painted Canvas Backdrop | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Portrait Photographer

I've been busy making things again!

I'm a DIY kind of girl.  I look at things I like and my first thought is often to figure out how to make it.  Paired with my fix-anything husband, we are able to create just about anything we want/need.

My latest project was to make a DIY Oliphant style backdrop. 

Oliphant backdrops are the thing to have in portrait photography.  Annie Leibovitz is known for using them in much of her fashion work, and many other famous photographers and big productions utilize them regularly.  They are hand painted, beautiful, and very expensive.  A three day rental alone with cost you in the triple digits.  I'm determined that I will own one someday, but until then I plan to do my best to make my own.  Armed with online inspiration from Sue Bryce who is the queen of DIY studio backdrops, I decided to go for it.

The Materials

  • 9x12 Canvas Dropcloth
  • 1 gallon of main color paint (I chose a dark grey)
  • 1 quart of each accent color (I used light grey, a peachy gold, and a green grey)
  • paintbrushes
  • roller
  • Socks or old rags (I used these to create texture)
  • A bowl to hold water
  • Plastic sheeting (for underneath.  I didn't use these since I used our driveway which will be pressure washed shortly, but if you have any concerns aboout getting paint on your work surface, you'll need these).

The Process

How to create a DIY Oliphant Style canvas backdrop for photography.

I am not a very patient person when it comes to projects like this, so I decided to just go for it.  I painted the dark grey around the edges and the light grey in the middle.  I then used a wet sock to blend the colors together.  Once that dried, I used the sock and water to dab the accent colors around the center and blended towards the edges.  

Of course Riley helped me test it out.  I'm so excited with how this turned out!  I can't wait to work with it in a portrait session.  Stay tuned for the results!

If you are interested in booking your own portrait session please contact me to schedule your complimentary consultation today!

Throwback Thursday: Dreaming of Summer | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Portrait Photographer

I'm really not a summer person.  Especially not here in the south with the un-godly heat and humidity.  My season is winter- snow, wool pea coats, cozy fireplaces.  But looking back through the photos from this session (taken back while I was still pregnant with little man) has me longing for summer sundresses and dreaming of the beach.  

Just long enough for a quick swim though.  I don't need an entire season.

Riley in the Studio | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Portrait Photographer

Have you been following my 365 Days of Riley project?

I can't hardly believe we are already 6 months in.  This kid is growing up WAY too fast. 
And I'm happy to report that over 175 images later, I'm still not tired of taking his picture.  He's my favorite model!

Throwback Thursday: Retouching Re-do

I'm going to make it a quick share today.

I recently got a new hard drive and revisited some old RAW files as I was transferring and backing everything up.  I was inspired by this photo, so I pulled it back into photoshop for a re-edit.

I took this photo during an impromptu photoshoot that involved black paint and inspiration from random shadows on the dining room floor. I liked where this photo was going at the time, but wasn't able to make it look quite how I wanted.

Well two years of photoshop tutorials and practice editing hundreds and hundreds of photos, I finally got it where I wanted.  It's definitely not my usual look, but I'm inspired to do something like it again.  I can't wait to see where it goes!

So You Can't Pose? | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Portrait Photographer

I hear it all the time from women who are nervous about being photographed:
"I don't know what I'm doing"
"I can't pose."
"I'm terrible in front of a camera."
"I'm not photogenic"

Well let me let you in on a little secret:  unless we are talking to a professional model, most women would agree that they aren't photogenic and can't pose.  Taking a selfie is one thing, (how many get deleted before that perfect shot at that perfect angle?) but to sit in front of a professional with a big DSLR camera- well that can be intimidating.  We aren't professional models, after all.

But let me let you in on another little secret: being photogenic is a skill that can be taught

Wait what?  
When you think about the word photogenic you probably think of that friend you have that looks amazing in every picture, whether she's in messy bun and sweatpants or a fresh blowout and a ball gown.  You know who I'm talking about. It has to be just how her face is, right? 

Wrong.  Being photogenic is all about posing.  

And guess what?  I know a lot about posing.

Honestly, you don't need to worry about it one bit before coming into my studio.  But if you are like me you probably want to research every aspect of everything before you come in.  So let me give you a few tips so you know what you are doing.  

  • Chin forward and down.
    You are going to hear me say this a lot during your session and I'll be honest with you, it's going to feel awkward as heck.  This is not a comfortable, relaxed position by any means.  But it will do something pretty amazing for your portraits. Any traces of a double chin will be replaced by a nice defined jawline with one simple movement- chin forward and down.
  • Shift your weight to one hip.
    Whether you are curvy, thin, or somewhere in between, there is one thing that we are always going for in order to create a flattering, feminine portrait- curves.  Shifting your weight to one side or the other will create gorgeous curves at your waistline and will effect the way your entire body is positioned.  This leads quite nicely into our next tip:
  • Push anything that we want to slim away from the camera.
    Everything is about perspective when it comes to photography.  The things closest to the camera will look the biggest, and the things farthest away will look the smallest. Let's use this to our advantage.  If you lean in towards the camera you will instantly look slimmer- no diets necessary!
  • Keep your neck long.
    Posture is everything!  Models look like models not because they are tall and skinny, but because they have long elegant limbs.  The more you lengthen your neck, straighten your back, and drop your shoulders, the more you will embody that same look.

    These may seem like tiny things, but they make such a huge difference in how you look in a portrait.  It can be a lot to keep track of, but lucky you, that's why you have me.  During your portrait session I will instruct you how to pose from your toes to the top of your head.  All you have to do is look pretty (and I promise, you are better at it then you think!)

    None of these lovely ladies thought they could pose either. Psh.

Throwback Thursday- My First DSLR | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Portrait Photographer

I may be in the minority here, but I really love facebook's memories feature.  Every morning I look back on what I was doing on this day going back 7 years.  Sometimes I wonder what was going through my head, sometimes I laugh at how young I was, and sometimes I am able to see patterns in my life.

For instance, for the past 7 years on this day, I was doing something related to art (except 4 years ago, there's no record of that one).

  • 7 years ago I was making a prom dress
  • 6 years ago I was a DJ on my college radio show
  • 5 years ago I was working on creative writing homework
  • 3 years ago I bought my first DSLR camera
  • 2 years ago was my first shoot with a model

I loved seeing the old photos.  When I first picked up my Nikon D3100 I had no idea what I was doing.  I had done some online research about the exposure triangle, but with nothing other than a point and shoot to practice on, I didn't have any idea what I was doing.  I was just playing with it to figure it out.

The first thing I did after buying my camera was take a walk around a nearby lake with my family and my dog.  Since it's still nearby, I decided to do the same today.  Check out the difference!

Even though my older photos often make me cringe, it's so fun to see the progress I've made.  It is so easy to get caught up on the things I'd like to change or do better today, and totally forget how far I've come.  
Plus I got have a nice relaxing evening at the lake with Jerry and my little man.  You can't beat that!

Erika Glamour | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Portrait Photographer

I love working with Erika.  I have done quite a few sessions with her and her family, throughout her pregnancy, and after with her little girl.  But this session was unique for us.  This was all about her.  And isn't she gorgeous?

It's so easy for us moms to get in lost in the identity of being a mother, so this was a great opportunity for me to showcase Erika for who she is as an individual.  We had so much fun with the hair, and makeup, and twirling around in a tutu, and although she was a bit nervous at first, she warmed up to the camera quite quickly.  

And of course her photos turned out gorgeous! How could they not?

Interested in your own portrait session?  Let's chat!  Contact me to set up your free consulation today.

About Me: Why I Chose Photography | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Portrait Photographer

Mikaela Joy talks about why she loves photography and her inspiration behind starting her business.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about why I do photography and I keep coming back to one thing- being remembered.  Back when I was in school for creative writing, this subject came up a lot.  What happens when I die?  What will I leave behind?  I know it's a bit morbid, but it's something that many artists spend a lot of time thinking about.  And it really comes down to two things.

Your presence in this world remains in your art and societal contributions, and it remains in the memories of the people who love you.

But that's a bit scary, isn't it?  Memory isn't really enough.  I mean realistically, if I were to die today, my son wouldn't remember me at all.  He would have stories that others tell him and he would have some abstract idea of what having a mom is like, but he wouldn't have his own memories.  He wouldn't have any real piece of me.

Except for the photographs.  If I were gone, he would have all the photos of me that I've printed in the past year. He wouldn't know me, but he'd know the details of my face, the way I wear my hair.  And most importantly, he'd have physical proof of the way I smiled at him, the way he made me laugh, and he'd know- he was loved.

Jen Glamour | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Portrait Photographer

Let's just say this.  Jen ROCKED her photoshoot.  

Seriously. She's gorgeous. 

She showed up at my studio with approximately a weeks worth of outfits to choose from and her hair and makeup already on point.  And she brought me a bagel, so she gets points for that, too.

There's really no need to say a lot about this shoot, because the photos say it all.  So let's just see them!

Studio Glamour Portraits with Mikaela Joy Photography

Really, though.  Isn't she stunning?!

If you'd like to book your own portrait session, please get in touch!

Meg Glamour | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Portrait Photographer

It's been a few years, but I finally got Meg in front of my camera again.  When I was just starting out as a photographer I shot a photo of her with the sunlight through her hair (above) and it's still one of my favorite shots.  I've tried to re-create it several times, but nobody does it like Meg does, I guess.

I've been wanting to get Meg into my studio for glamour portraits for a couple of reasons.  For one thing, she is not a girly girl.  I see her in her police uniform all the time, but never in a dress.  In fact, you should have seen her face when I showed her the outfits I had in mind for her.  "You want me to wear a dress?!" And makeup? Forgettaboutit. So it was fun to transform her from a southern girl in her flannel (nevermind that she's not actually from the south), to all dressed up with curls and pearls.

The other reason I've been wanting to photograph Meg is because she just does so well in front of the camera!  She think she's awkward, but there's something model-esque about it.  Maybe it's because she's built like a model: tall and lean.

I had a really great time working with this gorgeous girl!  Check out the video below for a look behind the scenes at how it all went down!

Uploaded by Mikaela Joy Photography on 2016-02-04.

To book your own portrait session, please contact me today!

Renata Glamour | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Portrait Photographer

Look who's in front of my camera again, it's Renata!  This girl should be a model because she photographs like a dream.  Seriously, she's gorgeous.

This shoot was an absolute blast. She let me dress her up, and was totally open to all my crazy ideas ("Oh, you want me to spin in circles in a makeshift dress while you point a blow dryer at me?  Sure!")

These studio sessions have been such a departure from my normal work, and I'm really excited about them!  There is just something so special about the experience of it- you dress up and I do everything I can to make you feel like a superstar, and in the end we are left with gorgeous pictures to commemorate an amazing day.  You really can't beat that!

Check out the great shots we got from this session! (Like I said, she's gorgeous!)

Uploaded by Mikaela Joy Photography on 2016-02-08.

Angel Glamour | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Glamour Portrait Photographer

Earlier this week I showed you my retouching process for the above image, now it's time to show you the rest of the shoot!

As usual, Angel and I had a blast during this session.  We did up her makeup, raided the studio closet for clothes, jammed out to some good music and had ourselves a photoshoot!

Here are some of the final shots!

She makes it so easy for me.  Seriously, she's gorgeous.

If you are interested in your own glamour portrait session, please contact me to schedule your complimentary consultation. I can't wait to hear from you!

High Speed Glamour Retouch | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Glamour Portrait Photographer

High Speed Glamour Retouch | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Glamour Portrait Photographer

How about a little look behind the scenes today?

As you all know, I've been working on something a bit out of my norm lately- glamour photography.  I'm intrigued by the makeup, the posing, the retouching- all the things that go on behind the scenes to get the shot.

So many of us women are filled with dread when we look at pictures of ourselves.  I'm sure you know what I mean.  That little notification pops up on facebook that says someone tagged you in a photo and you have to prepare yourself for what you are about to see.  And then it comes up and everything you are self conscious about hits you like a ton of bricks.  I hear it all the time- "I don't like my nose," or "my arms look fat in that photo."  Heck, I often have those same thoughts when I see photos of myself.

The Cady Family | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Family Photographer

The Cady Family | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Family Photographer

Can I just say that I love working with the Cady family?  Danielle is one of those people that is up for just about anything, and it makes working with her a breeze.  From the initial planning stages of this session, all the way through, she let me take creative control and just let the session happen.  Because of this, it was very easy to capture the uniqueness of her family and really showcase their personalities.

And boy do they have a lot of personality :)

Erin Glamour Shoot | Mikaela Joy: Savannah GA Glamour Portrait Photographer

I've been inspired to try something a bit different lately.  I've been taking classes and following same really amazing fashion and glamour photographers, and have been dying to do some of that type of work myself. 

The thing that's so great about glamour photography is the complete transformation of the subject- the hair, the makeup, the posing.  This was especially fun with Erin.  Erin is not known for being girly.  She lives in tee-shirts and jeans, and can probably count the number of times she's worn makeup on one hand.  So to glam her up in a sequin dress was a complete change.

And she rocked it.  Seriously, she looked amazing.  Wouldn't you agree?

Kitt & Family | Mikaela Joy: Savannah, GA Family Photographer

One of my favorite things about being a photographer is working with the same family more than once and watching how they grow and change.  You may remember this photo from a while back:

I worked with Kitt for the first time for a babywearing session earlier this year.  These two were absolutely wonderful together, and I loved working with them, so of course I was thrilled when Kitt asked me to do photos with her whole family.

It turns out the whole family includes three dogs, and a cat.  She calls them their pack- how perfect is that!

Just like the first time, this family was great to work with.  I can't wait to help them capture more of their future memories!  I also can't wait for another visit to their house just for the chance to lay in their fluffy pile of dogs :)

Ben & Erin | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Family Photographer

By the time that we are done with all our consultations and session, I usually know a lot about my clients and consider them to be friends.  But when the clients are friends before all of that, it's guaranteed that we will have an extra great time.

This is definitely true of Ben and Erin.  I've known these two for years (and have been trying to get them behind my camera for just about as long).   So when Erin contacted me asking about a family photo session I was pretty excited. 

The location was great, the timing was great, we just had one problem.  The shoot was scheduled during a very important football game.  All I can say there is thank god for technology! Ben was able to watch/listen to the game on his cell phone, and I was able to get the shots. Working with the dogs was an extra challenge (albeit a welcome one), but luckily for me these dogs were good posers.

And good kissers too, apparently.

Imaging USA | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Family Photographer

When my alarm went off at 3 AM, I was seriously doubting my decision to drive to Atlanta for the day.  I watched my family sleeping in bed so peacefully, and almost decided to stay with them.  A four hour drive at that ungodly hour, forget it!  And when I couldn't find a mug to bring some coffee in- well that was just almost too much.

But once I got on the road and got some caffeine in my system, I started to get excited.  I was on my way to Imaging USA, one of the biggest photography conferences out there.  There were famous photographers from all around the world teaching classes, and a huge expo of some of the best vendors around, with tons of products to touch, feel, and smell (what? I love the smell of a fresh printed album). This was definitely an event to be excited about.

Between the classes and the expo, I really enjoyed this event!  I learned a lot from some really amazing people, and found some really great products to offer.  I can't wait to share them with you! I even got to meet the amazing photographer Sue Bryce, who I've been learning from online, and whom I admire very much.

As an added bonus, I was able to meet up with an old friend from El Paso.  It was so great to see her, catch up, and of course talk photography.

I don't have pictures to share, because I was too busy taking it all in, but I can promise you this: You'll be seeing the results in my work and in the amazing new products I'll be offering!

And to all the photographers from around the country that were there- I'll see you next year!

2015 Wrap Up

Okay so I know I'm a few days late for this post.  It's been 2016 for 3 days now, and I'm just now getting around to reminiscing about 2015.  I'm a little behind. But I rung in the new year on a Red Eye Flight with a baby, so I've needed a little rest. After my obligatory two days of laying around the house in footie pajamas while playing call of duty, I'm back.

2015. It's been a good year!  I've spent more time behind the camera this year than I have ever before.  I've learned a lot and have finally got some big prints on the wall.  Of course the highlight of this year has definitely been watching my son grow up, but that will have to be a whole other post.  That is just too large of a subject.

Rather than talk about it,  I think I'll just show you what a great year its been.  Riley photos, however are not included in this go round.  You get enough of those on a daily basis, I'm sure.

So without further ado, here are 20 of my favorite photos from 2015.

A look back at 2015- 20 of the best images by Mikaela Joy: Savannah Family and Portrait Photographer

Normally I start the year off with big plans and New Years Resolutions.  Every year I make a  list and resolve to start fresh on January 1st, changing nearly everything.  It feels like such a clean place to start.

But the fact of the matter is, life doesn't work like that.  All my problems, worries, and bad habits don't just reset because of some arbitrary date and time. So this year I decided to do things a bit differently.  Rather than making plans for the new year, I made new plans a couple months ago.  I decided to kick off my new life right then and there and I haven't looked back. 

So while I do have big plans for the next year, I'm changing my focus.  I'm working on my bigger goals by focusing on what I can do this week, what I can do today.

This is the year that I'm going to make things happen, for myself and for my family. How can I be so sure?  Because I won't accept anything else.

What are your big goals and plans for the next year?  Lets chat about it in the comments & start working to make this year even better than the last!